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Keep walking through winter

So, you've taken part in the autumn Step Count Challenge. What's next? Read on to find out how you can keep moving more and give your health a boost during the dark and cold winter months.


Keen to step more? Organise a bespoke Step Count Challenge for your workplace

If you're already missing the team banter and clocking up those daily steps, find out more about organising a bespoke Step Count Challenge for your workplace. A bespoke challenge can be organised at any time of year, for any length of time up to 12 weeks. Interested? Read more about how we can help you organise a bespoke challenge, or get in touch with us to discuss your requirements.

Get your workplace moving with our Walk at Work Award

The Walk at Work Award is a workplace accreditation that recognises and celebrates employers who encourage staff to be active everyday. From embedding a walking culture through promoting active meetings and lunchtime walks, to facilitating active travel by providing staff with changing areas or maps of local routes, there's something for every workplace to try. Plus, you'll receive one-to-one support and resources from Paths for All. Find out more and register your interest.

Keep your breaks active with our One Minute Mover exercises

Our One Minute Mover exercises are a great way to get up and get moving when you've been stuck behind a computer screen all day. Short and easy, try out one of our no-sweat exercises during your next tea break, in-between online meetings or any time you feel the need to stretch and refresh. Check out our One Minute Mover exercises here.

Find your local health walk

Join your local health walk for a short, friendly, volunteer-led stroll around your local area. Health walks are less than an hour long, accessible, inclusive and a great way to meet new people or explore new places for a stroll. There's often opportunities to give back by volunteering as a health walk leader too. Check out the Health Walk map to find your nearest group.

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