Team Captains

Motivate and encourage your Team

As Team Captain you have a very important role to play. Your team will need motivation and encouragement if they are to finish the challenge. They will have good weeks and some not so good weeks and just a little bit of support from their captain can make all the difference.

We know you have a job to do as well, so we’ll try and make this as easy as possible. Here are a few key tasks you’ll need to carry out before and during the challenge.

  • Think of a team name. You may want to consult your team on this. If you need some inspiration, check out our recipe for the perfect Step Count Challenge team name.
  • A virtual journey is a great way to keep your team focussed on the challenge and gives them something to collectively aim for. We turn your steps to miles, so all you have to do is think of a destination. Click here for 5 steps to creating your own virtual journey.
  • You can see how your team are doing on the Team page of your profile. Keep an eye on how your members are doing. If they haven’t entered a step count recently, you may want to give them a gentle, supportive nudge.
  • Find ways to motivate your team. Are there milestones that could be celebrated with a special lunch, or article for your staff newsletter?
  • If you want to treat your team, we have an online shop where you can buy Paths for All merchandise including t-shirts, bags, mugs and more. To see the full range, click here.
  • We’ll keep you updated with progress through regular emails and the challenge blog. We’ll also run regular competitions to help you keep your team walking throughout the challenge.
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