Your favourite places
Last week, we asked you to share your favourite happy place, and what makes it special for you. Read the winning entry below, along with a few of our favourite submissions.
The winning entry was submitted by Fiona, from team Cirque du Sore Legs, who told us about a favourite peaceful island beach.
My happy place is a beach known as Traigh Eais (east beach) on the Isle of Barra in Scotland. Imagine a white beach, with a rugged machair (beach/sea grass and sand dunes), no one else but you and the dog, strolling along with a sun setting and the cold wind cutting through your wrapped up body whilst listening to the thundering atlantic rolling waves crashing against the shore. Shoes and socks off as you jump the little waves and run from the bigger ones. Bliss. This beach is approx 2-3 miles long, and it's tranquil and peaceful even on the warmest and sunniest days.
Emma, from team Park Pacers, won a runner up prize with her entry about Dr Neil's Garden in Edinburgh.
Dr Neil's Garden in Edinburgh. Such a tranquil little oasis! So many lovely plants, peaceful spots to sit in, and even the occasional otter in the loch. It always feels like I'm on holiday when I go for a walk there.
Another peaceful beach spot was sent in by Katy, from team Bready, Steady, Go! Katy shared her memories of her favourite beach, and also won a runner up prize.
The beach at Cranfield in Northern Ireland. I have walked this beach since I could toddle, I try and walk the length of it every day I'm staying nearby. There have been gloriously sunny walks where we've gone on for hours around the coast, and stormy walks where it was a battle to make any headway against the wind and everyone agrees to turn back early. I've been there in bikinis and full waterproofs and everywhere in between. There are sections of smooth sand, areas where you need to pick your way between boulders and rockpools, a stream to jump over (or paddle through). It was always a special place for me, but this was also where we went for our first walk after my partner proposed (on the cliff overlooking the beach), and where we went for our honeymoon. I have a painting of it in my kitchen and every time I see it, it makes my heart happy.
Favourite beaches were a popular theme, and Donna, from Team Sunshine, continued the trend by sharing her memories of Burntisland beach.
My happy place is Burntisland beach and it is even more special when I am with my family which includes an elderly Border Collie called Barney. I was brought up near a beach and have fond memories of swimming in the sea with my grandmother and eating her special ham and chutney sandwiches with a carton of Ribena. You cannot beat the feel of the cold sand under your feet, the fresh salty sea air and the sound of the waves lapping onto the beach with the sea birds chirpy over head. It doesn't matter what the weather is - the beach and especially Burntisland beach is my ultimate happy place and I hope that I have instilled this love of nature in my children.
Carrie, from team The Care Blair Bunch, also shared her favourite beach walk along the shore at Cramond.
Cramond Beach - This beach stretches from Cramond Village along the waterfront to Gypsy Brae at Granton. It's a favourite place to visit and to walk. I have been visiting since I was in my early teens and whether going for a walk with my dogs or just for a wander over to the Island. It's a lovely welcoming place, full of friendly people and stunning scenery. On the quieter evenings, it is a place to find peace, listening to the waves as the tide comes in. It is definitely my 'Happy Place'
Hayley, from team Get to Steppin', shared a peaceful spot for a stroll in Wales.
A Tudor walled garden hidden in the grounds of Wrexham Technology Park, Wales. Most of the walks nearby my office are on roads or through busy city areas, however, we have a beautiful hidden gem right on our doorstep (that very few people seem to know about)...our very own walled garden. Having a walk around the tranquil garden through delicate topiary hedges and along climbing rose bushes or a seat in the sunshine makes you feel like you are in a quaint countryside garden, completely out of the hustle and bustle. What makes this place even more special is the huge Bramley apple tree nestled away right at the end, perfect for picking in autumn. I love making apple crumble and custard with apples collected from the walled garden.
Rosie, from team Service Review & Dvpt Team, shared her favourite spot for a wild swim.
My favourite happy place is Gladhouse reservoir, a beautiful spot and home to many geese and other birds. I started swimming there during lockdown and I find it
such a peaceful place to connect with nature and recharge.
Joanne, from team Walking Tread, shared her favourite place for a winter stroll in Glasgow.
Victoria Park in winter's day as I walk through the park, with cosy winter jacket, hat and gloves on, by the pond you have lovely frosty grass with leaves lying on the ground, nice warm drink in my hand. I take in the beautiful nature all around as the birds are tweeting in the background.
A big thank you to everyone who took the time to send in their favourite place. We hope you're inspired to get outside and find your own peaceful spot for a stroll.