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What's your Way to Work?

Now that the autumn Step Count Challenge is over, how will you keep up your new healthy habits? Kate Lesenger, from Sustrans, tells us about the Way to Work website, and the variety of support, resources and information available to support active travel.


The Step Count Challenge may be over for another year. But you can easily find support to keep up those healthy habits.

Are you looking for new ways to motivate yourself to keep getting active at work during the winter months?

Hosting a wealth of support, the newly relaunched Way to Work website helps employers reduce their emissions from commuting and business travel. And helps individuals to be able to choose active or sustainable travel options.

Whether it’s cycle training, e-bike funding, workplace walking groups, resources for business train travel, or advice on setting up a carshare scheme – Way to Work is here to help you travel actively and sustainably for work.

What are the benefits of active and sustainable travel?

As we know from taking part in the Step Count Challenge, getting active is great for our physical and mental health. Especially in the winter months, going outside for a walk or a cycle during the working day can do wonders for our wellbeing.

But what we can sometimes struggle with is having the time to get away from our desks and into the fresh air.

One way to break down this barrier is by getting active for our commute and work journeys. Instead of hopping in the car, why not try walking or cycling to work a few times a week.

If the weather is putting you off, think about sharing a lift with a colleague. Although you may not be getting the benefits of exercise, social interaction is great for combatting feelings of loneliness in winter. Not to mention the savings you can make on fuel by travelling together.

These are also great ways to help reduce our collective carbon footprint. Domestic transport is the biggest contributor towards carbon emissions in Scotland. So before jumping in the car, think about whether you could make the same journey by getting active or by using available public transport options.

By making these choices, we can feel benefits to our health, our pockets, and our local environment.

Visit Way to Work to be supported in making small changes that make a big difference.