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What makes a Step Count Champion?

This week, we are asking teams to nominate their Step Count Champion. But, what is a Step Count Champion and how do you know if someone in your team is worthy of a nomination? In this blog post we explore what makes a Step Count Champion and how you can put your team mates forward to recognise their achievements.


A man and a woman are standing on a tree lined path in a park and are smiling and looking at their smartwatches

Every year we ask teams taking part in the Step Count Challenge to nominate their Step Count Champion. This is a great opportunity to acknowledge those who have made a real effort over the past eight weeks to push themselves, their team and wider workplace to step up and walk the walk. But what makes a Step Count Champion? Are champions born or are they made? We thought we’d take this opportunity to dive into what exactly makes someone a Step Count Champion.

A good place to start is probably with a previous Step Count Champion. Here’s Stephen from team How far can we go this time? and last year’s winner of the title talking about his experience of taking part in the challenge.

It's about the journey

This might sound a bit strange but it’s not always about how many steps someone has taken over the days and weeks of a challenge. What can be more inspiring is the journey they have taken to get there. Did someone set themselves personal goals at the beginning of the challenge and have shown grit and determination to overcome barriers and challenges to achieve them? What these goals and barriers look like will be different for all of us, for some it might mean making small but significant changes to our routines and habits and doing something that pushes them outwith their comfort zone.

Inspirational leaders

A Step Count Champion can also be someone who inspires and motivates. Is there someone who has found creative ways to keep you and your team mates going through leading by example or getting the sweet spot of just enough carrot and just enough stick to keep the team engaged, especially during those difficult middle weeks when motivation can drift. Little pep talks here and there, organising team walks, or just being a supportive team captain are all signs you have a Step Count Champion in your midst.

Keeping connected

Another common trait in a Step Count Champion is keeping the team connected. It’s easy to underestimate or overlook how important this is in keeping up morale in the team. Is there someone who has set up a WhatsApp chat and posts up your team’s successes, shares funny and/or motivational memes, or inspiring photos from their walks? These are all worthy reasons to nominate your sociable and outgoing teamie.

These are really just a starter for 10. There are no hard and fast rules to what makes a Step Count Champion, so if you think that some has really gone the distance in your team or workplace then now’s your chance to recognise their achievements and celebrate their success.

You can nominate your Step Count Champion here. The winner will be hand-picked by a Paths for All panel and alongside the accolade of being Step Count Champion, they will be invited to a special Paths for All awards ceremony at the Scottish Parliament in September to receive their trophy and they will get a Fitbit Versa 2 smartwatch.