Take part in our research project
Over the last few years we've teamed up with researchers from the University of St Andrews who are investigating the impact that the Step Count Challenge has on people's health and wellbeing. Meet Sam, a PhD student, and learn about the research planned for the upcoming spring Step Count Challenge.
It’s 2022 and the team of researchers at the University of St Andrews and University of Stirling are back with more research. Firstly, thank you for all your help throughout 2021, where you helped us study the physical fitness and mental wellbeing benefits of the Step Count Challenge – we can’t wait to share the results we found with you.
However, before we do, we’re back with more new and exciting research for this spring Step Count Challenge. We want to add a third element of interest, this time including cognitive functioning in the study, alongside physical fitness and mental wellbeing as before. Not only this, but we’re also looking to have a group of participants who aren’t participating in the Spring 2022 challenge, so that we can compare the two groups, and therefore gain a greater understanding of how exactly participating in the Step Count Challenge benefits you!
This is why we’re not only looking for a number of participants who are participating in the Spring 2022 Challenge, but also those who aren’t. We’d love to have a range of participants involved, including those who think they do lots of steps each day and those who are less active. However, we have a limit of 50 participants for this research, so if you’re interested make sure to sign up fast!
The study itself will involve completing a physical fitness, mental wellbeing and cognitive functioning task on 3 occasions throughout the Spring Challenge. It will all take place online, and so you can participate from the comfort of your own home and we’ll let you know when we’d like you to do the next task, and provide you with the website link, which will explain everything clearly. As thanks and appreciation for your help, participants will have the chance to win one of a number of prizes, including high street vouchers up to £100 in value, and there’ll also be the chance to win a Fitbit Inspire 2 after each of the 3 time-points! Not only this, but Paths for All have kindly donated a goody-bag including a moleskine notepad and reusable water bottle for every participant that completes all aspects of the research!
If you’re interested, or for more information, follow this link to the participant information sheet, where you can find out more details and find out how to get involved.