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Step Count Challenge 2020 week four update

As we enter the final weekend of the Step Count Challenge 2020, we bring you a summary of this week’s activity.


This week we have seen the collective step count rise to almost one billion, we currently stand at 969,843,678 steps. That's around 434 thousand miles.  

This week the Scottish Government announced some relaxation to the lockdown rules, meaning we can now increase our time spent outside and begin to meet people from one other household each day. We have summarised the new rules in this blog post on walking during social distancing

As we move into the final weekend of the challenge, we have two final activities for you in our 28 Day Wellbeing Challenge.  

  1. Snap your favourite walking shoes - what's your priority; comfort or style? 
  2. Write down three things you are grateful 

We'd love to hear from you, share your photos and responses with us on Twitter and Insta, or drop us a line at 

We are working with the University of Edinburgh's Physical Activity for Health Research Centre to carry out some evaluation of this year's Step Count Challenge. You'll find the link to the online survey we have created in this week's update email. We've had a great response so far, thank you to everyone who has taken the time to complete this. Oh, and everyone who enters will have the opportunity to win a Fitbit. 

Here are some of our Tweets of the week!

Keep an eye on the Monday update email to see if you have won the weekly prize draw.

Keep active, stay safe and enjoy what looks to be a sunny weekend!