Meet the walkers: team Walking the Walk
Team Walking the Walk, from City of Edinburgh Council, took part in this year's spring Step Count Challenge. Competing with each other as a team, the group found that the challenge gave them the chance to have fun and find new ways to be active during the working day.
We five went off to Walk the Walk. We heard about the Step Count Challenge from a colleague, and realising we had missed out were delighted to be supported by the Council to enter. We walked, cycled and danced our way through the challenge, encouraging each other along the way. Some of us even jockeyed for position on our team leader board, all healthy competition of course. Booking a week’s holiday just to get more steps in – now that was well played.
Our team were motivated by a range of things. We had a team goal to work towards together. Competing with each other spurred us on. We knew we could get fitter and maybe even faster. We all like staying active anyway and there was some good weather to entice us outdoors.
Our top tips for keeping active during the working day. Sign up for the next Step Challenge of course. Set weekly activity goals and increase them week on week if you can. Having a focus really helps with motivation. Then it’s the basics, staying hydrated and having plenty of snacks to hand. Find ways to add steps easily, like walking round the office to chat to colleagues, using the stairs instead of the lift and ditching the bus. These things worked for us all. Getting outdoors at lunchtime gave us a mental and physical boost with increased energy for the afternoon and just for life in general. Everyone should give it a go.