Help us with our research
We've been working with a team of researchers from the University of St Andrews to investigate the impact of the Step Count Challenge. Sam, a PhD student, is looking for volunteers to take part in a short telephone interview about their experiences of taking part.
As another incredible Step Count Challenge draws to a close, and we begin to step into Christmas, the team of researchers at the University of St Andrews and University of Stirling are back looking for some help with our research. In a continuation of our research following the Spring challenge this year, the area of interest for this research is you and your experiences of the Step Count Challenge! We’d love to talk to you about all things Step Count Challenge, including how you thought it went, how you achieved your steps, how you worked as a team, whether you enjoyed the experience and even whether you enjoy physical activity at all!
We’re looking to talk with anyone who has participated in the Step Count Challenge - whether that be Autumn, Spring, Bespoke or any combination of the three. We’re interested in everything and anything you have to say about the challenge, active lifestyles and even exercise in general, and would love to hear from a range of participants. This includes those who think they do lots of steps each day and those who are less active, as well as people from a range of job roles, so it doesn’t matter to us if your job is desk-based or always on the move – we’d like to talk to everyone.
For us to get the best understanding of how you incorporate the Step Count Challenge into your lives, and how you engage with the challenge in order to achieve the best step counts you can, we’d love to be able to chat with you in a short interview. These will likely be 20-25 minutes in length, and ideally will take place using Microsoft Teams (although we’re happy to do phone calls if you’d rather). Also, as a thank you for your help by participating, you’ll be entered into our prize draw which will include a High Street gift voucher up to £20 in value!
If you’re interested in taking part, or would like to find out more and receive our full Information Sheet, please contact us at SCCresearch@st-andrews.ac.uk.